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Storm Damage

Greetings Tribe,

It seems that we are in the most interesting, crazy and beautiful times. On one hand the world seems to be being pulled apart (especially if you're following the mainstream media) with Brexit, Trump, Russia vs everyone. On the other hand there is heartfelt and amazing compassion, acts of kindness and solidarity among the everyday person.

Whether it's mainstream or social media the reality we are being fed is not based on our personal experience and can open us up to manipulation, which can lead some of us on a emotional roller coaster.

Making tome and space to go within, especially in this age of information overload is increasingly essential for our well-being. Below is a post I share on FB 3 yrs ago (yesterday) and for me serves as a timely reminder to Re-Member to be authentic to ourselves and act with integrity.

"As long as you know in your heart that you’ve done your best; It’s all that matters. People may not understand you. But remember, it is not their expectations or opinions that define you. You do the best you can, with what you have and where you are. Live in your own truth, and even if you make mistakes, it is all right. The lessons you will Learn will make you stronger, wiser and more resilient. Use the obstacles as the stepping Stones to reach your Destiny. Even if it is step by step – it is okay. Even if some days are harder than others – it’s okay. Even if sometimes you feel Lost and want to cry your heart out - Its is perfectly fine. Let the Storm subside – and let it go with Peace. Find the spark inside you, and let it shine brighter and you will feel lighter and more Positive. Never let go of Hope – Never let go of your Integrity, Speak your Truth , stand for what’s right – and RUN from what gives you a bad vibe. Listen to your instincts. Never let anyone drain you, put you down or treat you less than you deserve. Find yourself. Begin to Love yourself and appreciate all that you do have. Find strength, joy and Miracles in all the little things. Your Life will begin to change. And one day – you will be able to look back and understand what the Journey was all about. So keep going on and keep on Believing. If you are reading this and you felt this shift – smile. Because you just took the first and most difficult step. Acceptance. The Journey Of your Healing – Heart, mind, Body and Soul; Has Already Begun. Rejoice … for you are a Precious Gift. Life is waiting."

****Retreat**** The Inner Guru - Thailand Be Well, Be Great, Be Inspired.

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