Release - Letting go for letting yourself Grow
Hey Everyone,
Here is the next instalment of my monthly blog/newsletter.
At a glance;
Blog - Letting go...
Release retreat - learn more about the retreat happening in June.
Kaizen Club - Register your interest in the online community.
What are you holding on to right now that if you let it go would make you lighter and your life a little bit easier?
Is it an emotion, a memory, a belief, fear, an old story or something else?
The thing about letting something go is there are two ways that we hold on to old patterns and energies
In the cognitive conscious mind - the brain
In the Subconscious somatic mind - the body
Then there are the steps it usually takes for letting go of the things that are holding us back.
Awareness - Are you aware of what you are holding onto and that it is holding you back?
Intention - How is it holding you back and do you want to change it?
Mindset - Do you have the will and determination to make the necessary changes and step out of your comfort zone?
Assessment - What do you can gain from doing this and do you think it'll be worthwhile (in truth you won't know until you do it.
Capability - Do you know how to change and what to change or do you need support from others to do this?
As you can imagine the process of "letting go to letting yourself grow" can be quite challenging by itself.
So what can you do?
Cultivate your awareness - Start to notice patterns where you self-sabotage or stop yourself from doing things that would benefit you. Journalling can be a valuable tool for this.
Radical Self Honesty - Be radically honest with yourself, don't accept BS or accept the stories you're telling yourself, and stick to the facts and not the fantasy. Do this radically and with self-compassion.
Unconditional Acceptance - "What we resist, persists" If you are not happy with a situation or relationship, once you accept the reality of a situation the sooner you can take responsibility for changing it.
Need Help in figuring out what to release? Let's have a virtual coffee, just drop me an email at with the subject V.Coffee
Release - Retreat
I'm happy to announce the Release retreat is happening this June 2nd - 4th, click the link for more details. Please note that rooms are on a first come first serve basis, so if you want one of the single rooms or shepherd's huts then get in touch ASAP and secure your spot with a deposit.
Kaizen Club
Finally, I am launching the first version for the Kaizen Club next week and already it's at capacity. If you would like to register your interest to join in the future please let me know and I can add you to the waiting list,