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Wise Words - Sponsorship.

"If only our eyes saw souls instead of bodies how very different our ideals of beauty would be."

"Sometimes you have to believe in someone else's belief in you...until your own belief kicks in!" - Les Brown

I’d like to share some ideas about the importance of “Sponsorship” and the power it has to change lives. Sponsorship is much more than someone offering support or a cheerleader singing someone’s praises but rather it means seeing the best in someone and reflecting that back, especially when they have lost their way, and belief in them self.

When we’re young, often it’s our family that we first experience this from, whether it be parents, grandparents, uncles, aunties and siblings. A little later in life if we’re lucky, it’s teachers, managers or people in a position of authority who are often in a position to nurture the greatness as part of their role, likewise with partners and spouses.

Unfortunately all too often our nearest and dearest and those that are in a position to see the greatness in us are blinded by judgement, which is the opposite of sponsorship. Judgement is when people see those things they dislike and can’t see beyond what they perceive to be another's limitations.

"Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth."

Muhammad Ali

Then there are those that are trained and skilled to hold a safe and trusted space while looking beyond the limitations we see in ourselves and tease out our potential. These are often Coaches whether that is sports, professional, personal or transformational. This journey can be challenging because those guiding you are often inviting you to step outside your comfort zone, a scary and daunting prospect for many.

The best transformational coach will be present and fully in service of their client as they take the plunge and yet remain in the background as a ‘silent’ sponsor. Once we have been lucky enough to experience this over a sustained period of time we start to realise our potential and can be initiated into self-sponsorship. This can be liberating, inspirational and empowering, by preparing us to share our unique gifts with the world without seeking validation from others.

This video is a marvelous display of Sponsorship in action and how that gift from another can magically effect us. Enjoy


**** Certified NLP Practitioner - Purposeful leadership****

Creative Muscle Certified NLP Practitioner - Creating Purposeful leaders I am in the early stages of designing my NLP Practitioner for purposeful leaders and would be good to know if you maybe interested in learning NLP in a way that is aligned with your purpose or discovering your purpose? Interested? Drop me a message at

Be Well, Be Great, Be Inspired.


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